Getting Murphy alone with Raven allows their ongoing conflict to boil over. Abby’s glaring absence from this episode is particularly obvious, especially since it was necessary to make Raven’s storyline work. Shows with large ensemble casts like The 100 usually have to work around all sorts of scheduling issues, and sometimes those can be hard to cover up. Abby is conveniently absent, leaving Luna and Murphy to deal with Raven’s increasing lack of control. Over in Becca’s lab, Raven powers through her brain condition, running endless simulations. Even David Miller turns on Kane to give the mob access to Ilian. But the mob’s thirst for Ilian’s blood reveals ugly, frightening truths about humanity. What will killing him even achieve? Jus drein jus daun (blood must have blood), as Clarke and Lexa once insisted, isn’t always a productive policy. Much like the mob that once strung up Murphy for perceived wrongdoing, the group that wants to kill Ilian for blowing up Alpha Station has little concern for justice and more concern for revenge. But they’re not going to get it on Kane’s watch. Ilian remains in Skaikru custody and the people want justice - or, rather, they want mob justice. The two other storylines that make up the episode also have crazy high stakes, adding to the episode’s thrills.

The 100 never lets its characters off too easy.

#The 100 season 6 how to#
After running simulations all episode to determine how to get to space and back safely, Raven finally finds a way - but she needed every last drop. A Trikru arrow drained one of the hydrazine barrels entirely. Of course, even when it seems like they’ve achieved the impossible by overcoming all the obstacles that stand in their way, Roan, Bellamy, and Clarke don’t emerge completely victorious. The show exercises enough restraint in its stylization between the climactic action scenes that it earns the spectacle. The 100 could easily be accused of overusing slow-motion sequences, but it somehow always works. It culminates in a high-speed car chase and stylish fight sequence I referred to in my notes as “ Fast & Furious: Azgeda Drift,” because that’s exactly what it felt and looked like.

Trikru’s need for vengeance and Azgedan self interests all collide to make the hydrazine journey all the more tumultuous. Now that Azgedan soldiers know the truth about the radiation, hundreds have deserted on their way back to Polis, returning to their families … and burning down Trikru villages on the way.

Getting the rocket fuel to Raven makes for the most exciting mission of the season so far. The episode certainly delivers on the action front. “What could possibly go wrong?” Roan playfully asks. Monty spells out the stakes of the central mission rather explicitly: Roan, Clarke, and Bellamy are tasked with getting every last drop of the remaining rocket fuel to Raven so she can launch into space and manufacture synthetic blood that will save the human race from nuclear destruction - but they must transport that fuel over bumpy roads and across war-torn lands, sprinkled with warring clans and people panicked over the impending apocalypse. “We Will Rise” has all the markings of an excellent episode of The 100. Chris Larkin as Monty, Isaiah Washington as Jaha, Henry Ian Cusick as Kane.