ONVIF is an organization started in 2008 by Axis Communications, Bosch Security Systems and Sony.
ONVIF creates a standard for how IP products within video surveillance and other physical security areas can communicate with each other. ONVIF (the Open Network Video Interface Forum) is a global and open industry forum with the goal of facilitating the development and use of a global open standard for the interface of physical IP-based security products. Interface of physical IP-based security products I may revisit this if I get enough time, in case it helps with point 2.Industry forum facilitating the development and use of standard IP-based security products Open Network Video Interface Forum There's probably a way to use ver20 but it seemed much more straightforward to get the information I needed from ver10 and it worked so I stayed with it. One conclusion I reached (rightly or wrongly) was that, even though I'm using the ver20 version of the ptz interface, I still needed to use ver10 for the media interface.
Since I could find no clear documentation anywhere on the specific use of ONVIF, the code was developed by experiment. For example:Ĭontroller = new Controller() Ĭontroller.Initialise(, " UserName", " password") Proceed to call the other member functions as necessary, in response to user input. To use it from the UI create and instance, set any properties where you want something different from the default, and then call its Initialise function. PtzClient.RelativeMove(profile.token, vector, velocity) PtzClient.Stop(profile.token, true, true) PtzClient.ContinuousMoveAsync(profile.token, velocity, " PT10S") Private void Timer_Elapsed( object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e) Velocity = new OnvifPTZService.PTZSpeed() Options = ptzClient.GetConfigurationOptions(configs.token) Var configs = ptzClient.GetConfigurations() Profile = mediaClient.GetProfile(profs.token) HttpTransportBindingElement httpBinding = new HttpTransportBindingElement()ĪuthenticationScheme = AuthenticationSchemes.DigestĬustomBinding bind = new CustomBinding(messageElement, httpBinding) MessageVersion = MessageVersion.CreateVersion(ĮnvelopeVersion.Soap12, AddressingVersion.None) Var messageElement = new TextMessageEncodingBindingElement() Public bool Initialise( string cameraAddress, string userName, string password)
Public Controller( bool relative = false)
That means you can drop in the same class for WPF, Windows Forms or whatever else you are using. It exposes public functions and properties to be used by the UI. The code only provides the communication interface to the camera.
Type or paste the namespace into the Namespace control. Type or paste that address into the Address control. Right-click the " References" folder in Visual Studio. To use the code, you need to add two service references: I'm not entirely happy with it but I ran out of time to improve it before it had to be installed on a test rig. The code below represents a working implementation. I needed to be able to develop and maintain my own code so I collected bits of information from many different sources and started experimenting. I could find no useful source code almost all searches ended up at the web site for a particular SDK that is apparently quite expensive. The camera supports ONVIF so that seemed the obvious choice for a generic control. (The camera also supports zoom but it's only digital so I didn't bother to implement that. The camera came with its own SDK but it's only C++ and seems fiendishly complicated in any case I didn't want my code to be tied to a specific camera or manufacturer. Some time ago, I developed an application to interface to an IP camera but now I need to drop in pan and tilt control.